Warning: pg_pconnect() [function.pg-pconnect]: Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "fda7:c3b5:f929:1::3", user "realitymove.sk", database "rightmove", SSL off in /home/html/realitymove.sk/public_html/lib/rain/RDB.php on line 259

Warning: pg_query() [function.pg-query]: No PostgreSQL link opened yet in /home/html/realitymove.sk/public_html/lib/rain/RDB.php on line 267

Warning: pg_last_error(): supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL link resource in /home/html/realitymove.sk/public_html/lib/rain/RDB.php on line 384

            SELECT * FROM categories
            WHERE category_id_1 != 0
              AND category_id_2 = 0
              AND lang = 'en'
            ORDER BY weight

Warning: pg_last_error(): supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL link resource in /home/html/realitymove.sk/public_html/lib/rain/RDB.php on line 384

            SELECT * FROM locations
            WHERE location_id_1 != 0
              AND location_id_2  = 0
              AND location_id_3  = 0
              AND location_id_4  = 0
              AND lang = 'en'
            ORDER BY title

Warning: pg_last_error(): supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL link resource in /home/html/realitymove.sk/public_html/lib/rain/RDB.php on line 384

            SELECT content_id, parent_id, menu, visible, link, title, alias, published
            FROM content
            WHERE lang = 'en'
              AND (revision_type IS NULL OR revision_type = 'active')
            ORDER BY weight

Warning: pg_last_error(): supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL link resource in /home/html/realitymove.sk/public_html/lib/rain/RDB.php on line 384

                SELECT * FROM locations
                WHERE alias = ''
                  AND lang = 'en'

Warning: pg_last_error(): supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL link resource in /home/html/realitymove.sk/public_html/lib/rain/RDB.php on line 384

                    SELECT * FROM locations
                    WHERE location_id_1 != 0
                      AND location_id_2 = 0
                      AND location_id_3 = 0
                      AND location_id_4 = 0
                      AND lang = 'en'
                    ORDER BY title

Warning: pg_last_error(): supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL link resource in /home/html/realitymove.sk/public_html/lib/rain/RDB.php on line 384

                    SELECT * FROM locations
                    WHERE location_id_1 = 1
                      AND location_id_2 != 0
                      AND location_id_3 = 0
                      AND location_id_4 = 0
                      AND lang = 'en'
                    ORDER BY title

Warning: pg_last_error(): supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL link resource in /home/html/realitymove.sk/public_html/lib/rain/RDB.php on line 384

                SELECT * FROM categories
                WHERE alias IN ('')
                  AND lang = 'en'

Warning: pg_last_error(): supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL link resource in /home/html/realitymove.sk/public_html/lib/rain/RDB.php on line 384

            SELECT DISTINCT agency_id
            FROM realties
            WHERE status = 'active' AND agency_id != 1

Warning: pg_last_error(): supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL link resource in /home/html/realitymove.sk/public_html/lib/rain/RDB.php on line 384

            SELECT COUNT(realty_id)
            FROM realties
            WHERE status = 'active'

Warning: pg_last_error(): supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL link resource in /home/html/realitymove.sk/public_html/lib/rain/RDB.php on line 384

            SELECT COUNT(realty_id)
            FROM realties
            WHERE status = 'active' AND agency_id = 1

Warning: pg_last_error(): supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL link resource in /home/html/realitymove.sk/public_html/lib/rain/RDB.php on line 384

            SELECT * FROM realties
            WHERE status = 'active'
              AND featured = 1
            ORDER BY RANDOM()
            LIMIT 3

Warning: pg_last_error(): supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL link resource in /home/html/realitymove.sk/public_html/lib/rain/RDB.php on line 384

            SELECT * FROM news
            ORDER BY date DESC
            LIMIT 3
REALITY MOVE | Real estate agency Bratislava, Hraničná 12, Ružinov

REALITY MOVE | Real estate agency Bratislava, Hraničná 12, Ružinov

sk | en

Warning: pg_last_error(): supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL link resource in /home/html/realitymove.sk/public_html/lib/rain/RDB.php on line 384

            SELECT * FROM blocks
            WHERE lang = 'en'
              AND visible = 1
Actual real estate business information!
Actual real estate business information!














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